
  • 1388 Cornwall Road, Unit C, Oakville L6J 7W5
  • Ph: 2898372026

Both male and female fertility is on the decline. Per Stats Canada, roughly 1 in 6 couples in Canada experience infertility. This number has doubled since the 1980’s. It is imperative to look at fertility with a fresh lens. At White Birch, we examine everything that can cause sub-fertility. Our recommendations come from clinical experience and are based on modern scientific research. Our advice – be proactive. There are pros to pre-conception planning and preparing. And definite advantages in incorporating holistic methods, some of which are –

  • Traditional methods can not only help you conceive naturally but also balance underlying problems that contribute to sub-fertility.
  • You avoid invasive procedures that sometimes come with side effects.
  • Drugs that stimulate follicle growth and induce ovulation are strong and can cause too much strain on your organs and channels.
  • There is not enough support that conventional clinics offer in terms of what improves success rates. It usually falls upon holistic practitioners to fill that gap.
  • Holistic practitioners guide you with the intent of curing the root.
  • Avoid having to pay for expensive ART procedures.
  • Acupuncture and herbal medicine are an adjuvant to western procedures (ART), they work well together for best outcomes.
  • Studies have shown Acupuncture boosts pregnancy outcomes by 26%.

If you are trying to conceive, the below will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Traditional Chinese Medicine has tools to help you knock down a bunch of items on that list –

  • Detox
  • Clean your diet
  • Improve sleep
  • Optimize supplements
  • Hydrate
  • Exercise
  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce alcohol
  • Manage stress
A pregnant woman in Oakville, ON, that worked with a fertility support clinic

Infertility is a modern-day concern; it has progressed from being a sub-health condition to a full-blown endemic in recent times. 

White Birch is a fertility clinic where we understand, tackle and approach infertility strategically. We bring years of experience in helping couples conceive, optimizing reproductive health for both men and women and improving success rates using holistic medicine. Acupuncture, herbals, food, supplements, exercise – they are all part of our process. 

Our fertility protocol is a journey to restoration. If you diligently follow the guidance and recommendations, you will enjoy not only good reproductive health but a healthier and robust constitution.

Please contact our fertility support clinic Oakville, ON to learn more!

Conceive Naturally

Conceive Naturally

Conceiving is a natural process. The barriers to conception can be due to deficiencies, blockages, organ imbalances or anatomical concerns. A lot of these issues can be resolved by alternative therapies alone. It is worth it to give yourself the best chance to conceive naturally.

IVF/ IUI Support

IVF/ IUI Support

There has been tremendous advancement in reproductive techniques in the recent years. What factors improve and impede successful outcomes are also well researched. There are many comparative studies that indicate better outcomes where treatments were combined with holistic therapies.

Pre-natal & Post-partum Care

Pre-natal & Post-partum Care

Every pregnancy is a miracle of nature. The process involved is not just intricate but beautiful. Pre-natal care not only helps you during this special phase but also improves your post birth experience. Post partum care includes but not limited to recovery, nursing support and mental emotion health.

Male Infertility

Male Infertility

Male Factor contributes to over 40% of infertility. Lifestyle and food are crucial when it comes to good sperm health. Sperm is easily damaged by environmental toxicity. Just the same sperm also readily responds to changes to correct the damage.