Fertility & Wellness

Rest || Rejuvenate || Restore

Wellness and Natural Fertility Solutions at a Trusted Oakville Clinic

We truly believe good health is for everyone! At White Birch Clinic, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve optimal overall wellness and fertility health through our unique blend of holistic fertility treatments at our Oakville clinic.

While our medicine is traditional, our approach is scientific. We perform detailed assessments based on time-tested principles to reach a diagnosis, which is as unique as you are. Treatment plans follow the diagnosis. Our approach is rooted in ancient healing methods and combined with modern-day research and analysis for best results.

We don’t just give you the tools to improve your health, we also educate you, so you take the healing outside our clinic, into families and communities.

Our Wellness and Holistic Reproductive Health Services in Oakville

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Part of Traditional Chinese Medicine where sterile single use needles serve as magic wands. They balance your Qi and treat conditions. Acupuncture can be helpful to treat a wide range of conditions – from tip of the toes to tip of the nose. A 60-minute acupuncture session can leave you feeling rejuvenated and healed.

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Chinese Medicine

While needles are the tool, herbals are the substance that heal. Chinese herbal medicine has been around for centuries. Its efficacy has been proved for many conditions. Herbs can be from a single ingredient or can be combined in formulations that come together beautifully to treat in the most harmonious manner.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is an approach to health care that focuses on whole patient wellness. Your health goals are treated using the modalities of nutrition & lifestyle counseling, nutraceuticals, botanicals, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy and over the counter medications. Naturopathic Doctors can support all ages with acute and chronic illness, health optimization, and disease prevention.

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Massage Therapy

A regular visit (every 4-6) with your Massage Therapist, for the maintenance of healthy soft tissue and mobility is highly beneficial. Massage therapy is an excellent accompaniment to Acupuncture.

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Yoga is just as much rooted in tradition as TCM. Yin yoga honors Yin – The all-pervading feminine. It is a deep contemplative practice. The poses are meditative with more passive posters and held for longer. This discipline of yoga brings more calm and restoration than any other.

Key Benefits of Alternative Fertility Therapies and Medicine in Oakville

  • Preventative. Address issues before they turn into a diagnosis.
  • Holistic. Traditional medicine emphasizes whole-body wellness, all parts work together in sync.
  • Mind-body-spirit. Spiritual and emotional health is addressed and is just as important as physical.
  • Safe/Non-invasive. Traditional methods when done by trained practitioners, work in harmony with the body and don’t cause harmful side effects.
  • Root vs. Symptom. We treat the root cause of the condition instead of relieving just the symptom. No band-aid’s.
  • Reduced dependency. Unlike traditional medicine, mainstream medicine often causes dependence on prescription pills.
  • Individualized treatments. Alternative medicine offers treatment plans that are unique to the individual. One hat cannot fit all.

Conditions We Treat at White Birch Clinic with Our Whole-Body Treatment Approach in Oakville

Our Integrative Fertility and Conception Care in Oakville

We provide customized treatment plans based on an individual assessment to support fertility. We bring strong clinical experience in treating infertility by using an integrative approach to alternative medicine.

Holistic Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a spiritual medicine. It is a beautiful combination of engineering behind channels and pathways in the body and the spirit behind organs. How they all play a powerful role to keep mind and body healthy. We treat mind, body and spirit to achieve whole health.

Safe and Non-invasive

We all are born with the ability to heal and reproduce. Acupuncture and Herbal medicine are modalities of Traditional Chinese medicine that address the nuances of infertility safely and effectively. We give you the tools to not just treat infertility but boost your constitutional health.

Training and Experience

We are board-certified with years of clinical experience. We embrace advancements of conventional medicine and evidence-based research and combine them with our training of holistic medicine to support you in the best way possible.

How to Get Started on Our Complementary
Fertility Treatments in Oakville

Ready to explore your options and take the first step towards a healthier you? Here’s how to get started with our complementary fertility treatments:

Discovery Call

Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call by phone or request a consultation online.

Protocol and Frequency

If the call goes well and you feel like White Birch Clinic could be a good fit for you, we’ll provide you with a personalized rundown of potential treatment protocols and treatment frequency.


Once you’ve submitted your request, we’ll be in touch to confirm your appointment details.

Booking the First Appointment

Feeling empowered and ready to move forward? We’ll offer you the opportunity to book your first appointment right then and there!

Free 15-Minute Complimentary Call

During your call, you’ll have the opportunity to chat with one of our practitioners about your fertility goals and any questions you may have. They’ll also discuss different treatment options that might be a good fit for you.

Why We Are Your Reproductive Health
and Fertility Wellness Clinic in Oakville

At White Birch Clinic, we’re more than just a fertility clinic – we’re your partner on the journey to parenthood. We understand the emotional rollercoaster of trying to conceive, and we’re here to offer a safe, supportive space built on trust and authenticity.
Here’s what sets us apart:

  • High Success Rates
    Our data shows a 70-80% success rate in helping couples achieve pregnancy.
  • Valuable Treatments
    We prioritize quality over quantity. You won’t be rushed through appointments, and you’ll have ample time to discuss your concerns with our practitioners.
  • Authentic Approach
    We’re honest about your options and limitations. We guarantee results, but we guarantee our best effort to help you achieve your goals.
  • Trustworthy Care
    We believe in the power of a positive mindset, and we’ll work with you to shift your perspective and empower you on your path.
  • Calming Environment
    From the moment you walk through the door, feel your worries melt away. Our minimalist setting with calming colors and plants is designed to create a sense of comfort and security. Here, therapy begins before your appointment even starts.


How long does treatment last?

The length of treatment varies depending on your individual needs and specific situation. During your initial consultation, we will discuss a personalized treatment plan and give you a better idea of the time frame involved.

How often should I get treatment?

Treatment frequency is also individualized. We will create a plan that fits your schedule and health goals.

Does holistic fertility treatment (TCM or acupuncture) hurt?

Acupuncture needles are very thin and most people find the experience tolerable. You may feel a slight pinch upon insertion, but the sensation quickly subsides. If you have a fear of needles, let us know! We can use smaller needles or target less sensitive areas for treatment.

What is the cost of holistic fertility treatment in Oakville?

The cost of treatment depends on the specific services included in your personalized plan. Schedule a consultation to discuss your needs and receive a transparent cost breakdown.

What is the wait time for fertility clinics in Oakville?

Wait times can vary depending on the clinic. Here at White Birch Clinic, we strive to minimize wait times and get you started on your path to parenthood as soon as possible.

Can a holistic doctor help with infertility?

Yes, holistic doctors like those at White Birch Clinic can play a valuable role in your fertility journey. Holistic treatments like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture can address underlying imbalances that may be contributing to infertility. They can also help manage stress and promote overall well-being, both of which can be beneficial for conception.